Change your MyBlogLog Widget Style
By Arpit On Thursday, May 03, 2007 At 3:44 AM
You can change the looks of MyBlogLog Recent Readers Widget by editing the CSS of your blog. AU Interactive blog has given the code to modify the blog CSS and give your MyBlogLog widget a dashing looks. The theme is available in two colors (for dark and light background).
To modify the MyBlogLog widget just insert this CSS code above your </head> tag.
Light theme:
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen">
Dark theme:
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen">
You could remove the ‘View Reader Community’ and ‘Provided by MyBlogLog' links at the bottom by adding this to your CSS:
table#MBL_COMM td.mbl_fo_hidden {display:none;}
The source code of both the CSS are here:
CSS for Light Theme
CSS for Dark Theme
Thanks Markus and team for this.
Technorati Tags:mybloglog, widget, css, blogging, how to
Labels: Blogging, Cool Utilities, How to, mybloglog
What a beautiful stylization! I love this :)
what's the size available? i meant the width and height - not all the websites/blogs can be squeeze with huge widget ...
Thanks Robyn, Stocktube and Lifestyle.
You can choose height and width of the widget at MyBlogLog widget settings.
hey, it's so awesome thank's so much